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Refactoring A Test

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Why Refactor Tests?

As I described in the preface, tests can quickly become a bottleneck in an agile development process. This may not be immediately obvious to those who have never experienced the difference between simple, easily understood tests and complex, obtuse, hard to maintain tests. The productivity difference can be staggering!

This chapter acts as a "motivating example" for the entire book by showing you how much of a difference refactoring tests can make. In it I walk you through an example starting with a complex test and step by step refactor it to a simple, easily understood test. Along the way, I will point out some key smells and the patterns that we can use to remove them. Hopefully, this will whet your appetite for more.

A Complex Test

Here is a test that is not atypical of some of the tests I have seen on various projects:

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v1(){
      Address billingAddress = null;
      Address shippingAddress = null;
      Customer customer = null;
      Product product = null;
      Invoice invoice = null;
      try {
         //   Setup Fixture
         billingAddress = new Address("1222 1st St SW",
               "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2","Canada");
         shippingAddress = new Address("1333 1st St SW",
               "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
         customer = new Customer(99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
         product = new Product(88, "SomeWidget", new BigDecimal("19.99"));
         invoice = new Invoice(customer);
         // Exercise SUT
         invoice.addItemQuantity(product, 5);
         // Verify Outcome
         List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         if (lineItems.size() == 1) {
            LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
            assertEquals("inv", invoice, actItem.getInv());
            assertEquals("prod", product, actItem.getProd());
            assertEquals("quant", 5, actItem.getQuantity());
            assertEquals("discount", new BigDecimal("30"), actItem.getPercentDiscount());
            assertEquals("unit price",new BigDecimal("19.99"), actItem.getUnitPrice());
            assertEquals("extended", new BigDecimal("69.96"), actItem.getExtendedPrice());
         } else {
            assertTrue("Invoice should have 1 item", false);
      } finally {
         // Teardown
Example CamugExampleStartingPoint embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

This test is quite long(While the need to wrap lines to keep them at 65 characters makes it look even longer than it really is, it is still unnecessarily long. It contains 25 executable statements including initalized declarations, 6 lines of control statements, 4 in-line comments and 2 lines to declare the test method for a total of 37 lines of unwrapped source code.) and is much more complicated than it needs to be. This Obscure Test (page X) is hard to understand because the sheer number of lines in the test make it hard to see the big picture. It also suffers from a number of other problems which we shall address one by one.

Cleaning Up the Test

Let us look at the various parts of it one by one.

Cleaning up the Verification Logic

First, let us focus on the part which verifies the expected outcome. Maybe we can infer from the assertions which test conditions this test is trying to verify.

 List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         if (lineItems.size() == 1) {
            LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
            assertEquals("inv", invoice, actItem.getInv());
            assertEquals("prod", product, actItem.getProd());
            assertEquals("quant", 5, actItem.getQuantity());
            assertEquals("discount", new BigDecimal("30"), actItem.getPercentDiscount());
            assertEquals("unit price",new BigDecimal("19.99"), actItem.getUnitPrice());
            assertEquals("extended", new BigDecimal("69.96"), actItem.getExtendedPrice());
         } else {
            assertTrue("Invoice should have 1 item", false);
Example CamugObtuseAssertion embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

A simple problem to fix is the obtuse assertion on the very last line. Calling assertTrue with an argument of false should always result in a test failure. So why don't we say so directly. Let us change this to a call to fail:

         List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         if (lineItems.size() == 1) {
            LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
            assertEquals("inv", invoice, actItem.getInv());
            assertEquals("prod", product, actItem.getProd());
            assertEquals("quant", 5, actItem.getQuantity());
            assertEquals("discount", new BigDecimal("30"), actItem.getPercentDiscount());
            assertEquals("unit price",new BigDecimal("19.99"), actItem.getUnitPrice());
            assertEquals("extended", new BigDecimal("69.96"), actItem.getExtendedPrice());
         } else {
            fail("Invoice should have exactly one line item");
Example CamugBetterAssertion embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

We can think of this as an Extract Method[Fowler] refactoring as we are replacing the Stated Outcome Assertion (see Assertion Method on page X) with a hard-coded parameter with a more intent-revealing call to a Single Outcome Assertion (see Assertion Method) method that encapsulates the call.

This set of assertions suffers from several more problems. Let us look at all the assertions in this test. Why do we need so many of them? It turns out that many of these assertions are testing fields set by the constructor for the LineItem which we have another unit test for. So why repeat these assertions here? It will just create more test code to maintain when the logic changes.

One solution is to use a single assertion on an Expected Object (see State Verification on page X) instead of one assertion per object field. First, we define an object that looks exactly how we expect the result to look. In this case, we create an expected LineItem with the fields filled in with the expected values including the unitPrice and extendedPrice initialized from the product.

         List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         if (lineItems.size() == 1) {
            LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                        new BigDecimal("69.96"));
            LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
            assertEquals("invoice", expected.getInv(), actItem.getInv());
            assertEquals("product", expected.getProd(), actItem.getProd());
            assertEquals("quantity",expected.getQuantity(), actItem.getQuantity());
            assertEquals("discount", expected.getPercentDiscount(),
            assertEquals("unit pr", new BigDecimal("19.99"), actItem.getUnitPrice());
            assertEquals("extend pr",new BigDecimal("69.96"), actItem.getExtendedPrice());
         } else {
            fail("Invoice should have exactly one line item");
Example CamugExpectedObject embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

Once we have created our Expected Object, we can then assert on it using assertEquals:

         List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         if (lineItems.size() == 1) {
            LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product,5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                            new BigDecimal("69.96"));
            LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
            assertEquals("invoice", expected, actItem);
         } else {
            fail("Invoice should have exactly one line item");
Example CamugExpectedObjectAssertion embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

The Preserve Whole Object[Fowler] refactoring makes the code a lot simpler and more obvious! But wait! Why do we have an if statement in a test? If there are several paths through a test, how do we know which one is actually being executed? It would be a lot better if we could eliminate this Conditional Test Logic (page X). Luckily for us, the pattern Guard Assertion (page X) is designed to handle exactly this case. We simply use a Replace Conditional With Guard Clause[Fowler] refactoring to replace the if ... else fail() ... sequence with an assertion on the same condition. This halts execution if the condition is not met without introducing Conditional Test Logic.

         List lineItems = invoice.getLineItems();
         assertEquals("number of items", lineItems.size(), 1);
         LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                         new BigDecimal("69.96"));
         LineItem actItem = (LineItem) lineItems.get(0);
         assertEquals("invoice", expected, actItem);
Example CamugGuardAssertion embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

So now we have reduced eleven lines of verification code to just four and it is a lot simpler code to boot. (Good thing we are not being rewarded for the number of lines of coded we write! This is yet another example of why KLOC is such a poor measure of productivity.) Some people would say this is good enough. I say "Can't we make this assertion even more obvious?" What are we really trying to verify? We are trying to say that there should be only one line item and it should look exactly like our expectedLineItem. Let us try saying this explicitly. We do this by using an Extract Method refactoring to define a Custom Assertion (page X).

         LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                         new BigDecimal("69.96"));
         assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugCustomAssertion embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

That is better! Now we have the verification part of the test down to just two lines. Let us review what the whole test looks like:

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v6(){
      Address billingAddress = null;
      Address shippingAddress = null;
      Customer customer = null;
      Product product = null;
      Invoice invoice = null;
      try {
         //   Setup Fixture
         billingAddress = new Address("1222 1st St SW",
                "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
         shippingAddress = new Address("1333 1st St SW",
                "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
         customer = new Customer(99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
         product = new Product(88, "SomeWidget", new BigDecimal("19.99"));
         invoice = new Invoice(customer);
         // Exercise SUT
         invoice.addItemQuantity(product, 5);
         // Verify Outcome
         LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                         new BigDecimal("69.96"));
         assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
      } finally {
         // Teardown
Example CamugExampleCleanedVerify embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

Cleaning up the Fixture Teardown Logic

Now that we have cleaned up the result verification logic, let us turn our attention to the finally block at the end of the test. What is this code doing?

      } finally {
         // Teardown
Example CamugExampleFlawedFinallyBlock embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

Most modern languages have an equivalent of the try/finally block which can be used to ensure that code gets run even when an error or exception occurs. In a Test Method (page X), the finally block is usually used to ensure that any cleanup code gets run regardless of whether the test passed or failed. That is because a failed assertion throws an exception and that would transfer control back to the Test Automation Framework's (page X) exception handling code so we use the finally block to clean up first. This avoids having to catch the exception and then rethrow it.

In this test, the finally block calls the deleteObject method on each of the objects created by the test. Unfortunately, this code suffers from a fatal flaw. Have you noticed it yet?

The problem is when things go wrong during the teardown itself. What happens if the first call to deleteObject throws an exception? As coded here, none of the other calls to deleteObject would be executed. The solution is to use a nested try/finally block around this first call to ensure that the second call to deleteObject is always executed. What if the second one fails? In this case, we would need a total of six nested try/finally blocks to make this work. That would almost double the length of the test and we cannot afford to write and maintain that much code in each test.

      } finally {
         //      Teardown
         try {
         } finally {
            try {
            } finally {
               try {
               } finally {
                  try {
                  } finally {
Example CamugExampleFixedFinallyBlock embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

The problem with this is that we now have a Complex Teardown (see Obscure Test). What are the chances of getting this code right? And how do we test the test code? Clearly, this approach is not going to be very effective.

Of course, we could move this code into the tearDown method. That would have the advantage of removing it from the Test Method and since the tearDown method acts as a finally block, we would get rid of the outermost try/finally. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the root of the problem: the need to write detailed tear down code in each test.

We could try avoiding creating the objects in the first place by using a Shared Fixture (page X) that is not torn down between tests. Unfortunately, this is likely to lead to a number of test smells including Unrepeatable Test (see Erratic Test on page X) and Interacting Tests (see Erratic Test) caused by interactions via the shared fixture. Another issue is that the references to objects used from the shared fixture are often Mystery Guests (see Obscure Test)(the test reader cannot see the objects being used by the test.)

The best solution is to use a Fresh Fixture (page X) but to avoid having to write teardown code for every test. One way to achieve this is to use an in-memory fixture which is automatically garbage collected. This won't work if the objects we create are persistent (e.g. saved in a database.) While it is best to architect our system so that most of our tests can be executed without the database, we almost always have some tests that need it. In these cases we can extend our Test Automation Framework to do most of the work for us. We can add a means to register each object we create with the framework so that it can do the deleting for us. let us see what this would look like.

First, we need to register each object as we create it:

      //   Setup Fixture
      billingAddress = new Address("1222 1st St SW", "Calgary",
                        "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      shippingAddress = new Address("1333 1st St SW", "Calgary",
                         "Alberta","T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      customer = new Customer(99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
      product = new Product(88, "SomeWidget", new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      invoice = new Invoice(customer);
Example CamugExampleManualTestObjectRegistration embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

Registration consists of adding the object to a collection of test objects:

   List testObjects;
   protected void setUp() throws Exception {
      testObjects = new ArrayList();
   protected void registerTestObject(Object testObject) {
Example CamugExampleTestObjectRegistrationMethod embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/OurTestCase.java

Then, in the tearDown method, we iterate through the list of test objects and delete each one:

   public void tearDown() {
      Iterator i = testObjects.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext()) {
         try {
         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // nothing to do; we just want to make sure
            // we continue on to the next object in the list.}
Example CamugExampleTestObjectCleanupMethod embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/OurTestCase.java

So now our test looks like this.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v8(){
      Address billingAddress = null;
      Address shippingAddress = null;
      Customer customer = null;
      Product product = null;
      Invoice invoice = null;
      //   Setup Fixture
      billingAddress = new Address("1222 1st St SW", "Calgary",
                        "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      shippingAddress = new Address("1333 1st St SW", "Calgary",
                         "Alberta","T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      customer = new Customer(99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
      product = new Product(88, "SomeWidget", new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      invoice = new Invoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, 5);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                      new BigDecimal("69.96"));
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleAutomatedFixtureTeardownSeparateDcl embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

We have been able to remove the try/finally and except for the additional calls to registerTestObject, our code is much simpler. We can still clean this code up a bit more. Why, for example, do we need to declare the variables and initialize them to null only to reinitialize them later? This was need previously because they had to be accessible in the finally block; now that we have removed it, we can combine the declaration with the initialization:

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v9(){
      //   Setup Fixture
      Address billingAddress = new Address("1222 1st St SW",
                  "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      Address shippingAddress = new Address("1333 1st St SW",
                  "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      Customer customer = new Customer(99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
      Product product = new Product(88, "SomeWidget", new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      Invoice invoice = new Invoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, 5);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"),
                      new BigDecimal("69.95"));
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleAutomatedFixtureTeardown embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

Cleaning up the Fixture Setup

Now that we have cleaned up the assertions and the fixture teardown, let us turn our attention to the fixture setup. One obvious quick-fix would be to take each of the calls to a constructor and the subsequent call to registerTestObject and use an Extract Method refactoring to define a Creation Method (page X). This will make the test a bit simpler to read and write. The use of Creation Methods has another advantage; they encapsulate the API of the system under test (SUT) and reduce the test maintenance effort when the various object constructors change by giving us a single place to modify rather than having to do it in each test.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v10(){
      //   Setup Fixture
      Address billingAddress = createAddress( "1222 1st St SW", "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      Address shippingAddress = createAddress( "1333 1st St SW", "Calgary", "Alberta", "T2N 2V2", "Canada");
      Customer customer = createCustomer( 99, "John", "Doe", new BigDecimal("30"),
                         billingAddress, shippingAddress);
      Product product = createProduct( 88,"SomeWidget",new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, 5);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product,5, new BigDecimal("30"), new BigDecimal("69.96"));
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleCreationMethodUsage embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

This fixture setup logic still suffers from several problems. The first is that it is hard to tell how the fixture is related to the expected outcome of the test. Does the customer's particulars affect the outcome in some way? Does their address? What is this test really verifying?

The other problem is that exhibits Hard-Coded Test Data (see Obscure Test). Given that our SUT persists all the objects we create in a database, the use of Hard-Coded Test Data may result in an Unrepeatable Test, Interacting Tests or a Test Run War (see Erratic Test) if any of the fields of the customer, product or invoice have to be unique.

We can solve this problem by generating a unique value for each test and using that value to seed the attributes of the objects we create for the test. This will ensure that the test creates different objects each time the test is run. Because we have already moved the object creation logic into Creation Methods, this is relatively easy to do; we just put it into the Creation Method and remove the corresponding parameters. This is another application of the Extract Method refactoring since we are creating a new, parameterless version of the Creation Method.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v11(){
      final int QUANTITY = 5;
      //   Setup Fixture
      Address billingAddress = createAnAddress();
      Address shippingAddress = createAnAddress();
      Customer customer = createACustomer(new BigDecimal("30"),
               billingAddress, shippingAddress);
      Product product = createAProduct(new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, QUANTITY);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, 5, new BigDecimal("30"), new BigDecimal("69.96"));
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
   private Product createAProduct(BigDecimal unitPrice) {
      BigDecimal uniqueId = getUniqueNumber();
      String uniqueString = uniqueId.toString();
      return new Product(uniqueId.toBigInteger().intValue(), uniqueString, unitPrice);
Example CamugExampleUniqueIdGeneration embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

We call this pattern an Anonymous Creation Method (see Creation Method) because we are declaring that we don't care about the particulars of the object. If the expected behavior of the SUT depends on a particular value, we can either pass the value as a parameter or imply it in the name of the creation method.

So this test looks a lot better now, but we are not done yet. Does the expected outcome depend in any way on the addresses of the customer? If not, we can hide their construction completely by using Extract Method refactoring (again!) to create a version of the createACustomer method that fabricates them for us.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v12(){
      //  Setup Fixture
      Customer cust = createACustomer(new BigDecimal("30"));
      Product prod = createAProduct(new BigDecimal("19.99"));
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(cust);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(prod, 5);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, prod, 5,
            new BigDecimal("30"), new BigDecimal("69.96"));
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleDependantObjectOmission1 embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

By moving the calls that create the addresses into the method that creates the customer, we have made it clear that the addresses do not affect the logic that we are verifying in this test. The outcome does depend on the customer's discount so we pass the discount percentage to the customer creation method.

We still have one or two things to clean up. First, we still have some Hard-Coded Test Data for the unit price, quantity and customer's discount repeated twice in the test. We can make it clearer what these numbers stand for by using a Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant[Fowler] refactoring to give them role describing names. Also, the constructor we are using to create the LineItem is not used anywhere in the SUT itself because the LineItem normally calculates the extendedCost when it is constructed. We should turn this test-specific code on the SUT into a Foreign Method[Fowler] implemented within the test harness. We have already seen examples of how to do this with the Customer and Product; we use a Parameterized Creation Method (see Creation Method) to return the expected LineItem based on only those values that we care about.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v13(){
      final int QUANTITY = 5;
      final BigDecimal UNIT_PRICE = new BigDecimal("19.99");
      final BigDecimal CUST_DISCOUNT_PC = new BigDecimal("30");
      //   Setup Fixture
      Customer customer = createACustomer(CUST_DISCOUNT_PC);
      Product product = createAProduct( UNIT_PRICE);
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, QUANTITY);
      // Verify Outcome
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = new BigDecimal("69.96");
      LineItem expected = new LineItem(invoice, product, QUANTITY, CUST_DISCOUNT_PC, EXTENDED_PRICE);
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleValuesAsVariables embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

One final point: where did the value "69.96" come from? If this value comes from the output of some reference system, we should say so. Since it was just manually calculated and typed into the test, we can show the calculation in the test so the test reader can see how the value is calculated.

The Cleaned Up Test

Here is the final cleaned up version of the test:

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v14(){
      final int QUANTITY = 5;
      final BigDecimal UNIT_PRICE = new BigDecimal("19.99");
      final BigDecimal CUST_DISCOUNT_PC =  new BigDecimal("30");
      // Setup Fixture
      Customer customer = createACustomer(CUST_DISCOUNT_PC);
      Product product = createAProduct( UNIT_PRICE);
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, QUANTITY);
      // Verify Outcome
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE.multiply(new BigDecimal(QUANTITY));
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE.subtract(BASE_PRICE.multiply( CUST_DISCOUNT_PC.movePointLeft(2)));
      LineItem expected = createLineItem(QUANTITY, CUST_DISCOUNT_PC, EXTENDED_PRICE, product, invoice);
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
Example CamugExampleCalculatedValue embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

We have use an Introduce Explaining Variable[Fowler] refactoring to better document the calculation of the BASE_PRICE (price*quantity) and EXTENDED_PRICE (the price with discount). This test is now much smaller and clearer than what we started with. It fullfils the role of Tests as Documentation (see Goals of Test Automation on page X) very well. So what did we discover this test verifies? It confirms that the line items added to an invoice are indeed added to the invoice and that extended cost is based on the product price, the customer's discount and the quanity.

Writing More Tests

It seemed like we went to a lot of effort to refactor this test to make it clearer. Will we have to spend this much effort on every test?

I should hope not! Much of the effort here has been in the discovery of which Test Utility Methods (page X) we require for writing our tests. We are defining a Higher Level Language (see Principles of Test Automation on page X) for testing our application. Once we have those methods in place writing other tests becomes much simpler. For example, if we want to write a test that verifies that the extended cost is recalculated when we change the quantity of a LineItem, we can reuse most of the Test Utility Methods.

   public void testAddLineItem_quantityOne(){
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE;
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE;
      //   Setup Fixture
      Customer customer = createACustomer(NO_CUST_DISCOUNT);
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);  
      //   Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(PRODUCT, QUAN_ONE);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = createLineItem( QUAN_ONE, NO_CUST_DISCOUNT, EXTENDED_PRICE, PRODUCT, invoice);
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem( invoice, expected );
   public void testChangeQuantity_severalQuantity(){
      final int ORIGINAL_QUANTITY = 3;
      final int NEW_QUANTITY = 5;
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE.multiply(   new BigDecimal(NEW_QUANTITY));
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE.subtract(BASE_PRICE.multiply( CUST_DISCOUNT_PC.movePointLeft(2)));
      //   Setup Fixture
      Customer customer = createACustomer(CUST_DISCOUNT_PC);
      Invoice invoice = createInvoice(customer);
      Product product = createAProduct( UNIT_PRICE);  
      invoice.addItemQuantity(product, ORIGINAL_QUANTITY);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.changeQuantityForProduct(product, NEW_QUANTITY);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = createLineItem( NEW_QUANTITY,
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem( invoice, expected );
Example CamugExampleAdditionalTest embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

This test was written without having to add any new Test Utility Methods. It took about two minutes to prepare. Contrast that with how long it would have taken to write another test in the original style. And the effort saved in writing the tests is just part of the equation. We also need to factor in the effort saved understanding existing tests. Over the course of a development project and the subsequent maintenance activity, this will be very significant.

Further Compaction

Writing these additional tests showed a few more sources of Test Code Duplication (page X). It seems we are always creating both a Customer and an Invoice. Why not combine these two lines? SImilarly, we keep defining and initializing the QUANTITY and CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_PC constants inside our test methods. Why can't we do these just once? The Product does not seem to play any roles in these tests; we always create it exactly the same way. Can we factor this out, too? Certainly! We just apply a Extract Method refactoring to each set of duplicated code to create more powerful Creation Methods.

   public void testAddItemQuantity_severalQuantity_v15(){
      // Setup Fixture
      Invoice invoice = createCustomerInvoice(CUST_DISCOUNT_PC);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(PRODUCT, SEVERAL);
      // Verify Outcome
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE.multiply(new BigDecimal(SEVERAL));
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE.subtract(BASE_PRICE.multiply( CUST_DISCOUNT_PC.movePointLeft(2)));
      LineItem expected = createLineItem( SEVERAL,
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem(invoice, expected);
   public void testAddLineItem_quantityOne_v2(){
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE;
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE;
      //   Setup Fixture
      Invoice invoice = createCustomerInvoice(NO_CUST_DISCOUNT);
      //   Exercise SUT
      invoice.addItemQuantity(PRODUCT, QUAN_ONE);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = createLineItem( SEVERAL,
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem( invoice, expected );

   public void testChangeQuantity_severalQuantity_V2(){
      final int NEW_QUANTITY = SEVERAL + 2;
      final BigDecimal BASE_PRICE = UNIT_PRICE.multiply(   new BigDecimal(NEW_QUANTITY));
      final BigDecimal EXTENDED_PRICE = BASE_PRICE.subtract(BASE_PRICE.multiply( CUST_DISCOUNT_PC.movePointLeft(2)));
      //   Setup Fixture
      Invoice invoice = createCustomerInvoice(CUST_DISCOUNT_PC);
      invoice.addItemQuantity(PRODUCT, SEVERAL);
      // Exercise SUT
      invoice.changeQuantityForProduct(PRODUCT, NEW_QUANTITY);
      // Verify Outcome
      LineItem expected = createLineItem( NEW_QUANTITY,
      assertContainsExactlyOneLineItem( invoice, expected );
Example CamugExampleExtractedValue embedded from java/com/clrstream/camug/example/test/TestRefactoringExample.java

We have now reduced the number of lines of code we need to understand from 35 statements in the original to just 6 statements(Ignoring wrapped lines we have 6 executible statements surrounded by the two lines of method declarations/end.). That is just over one sixth of the code to maintain! We could go further by factoring out the fixture set up into a setUp method but that would only be worthwhile if we had a lot of tests all need the same Customer/Discount/Invoice configuration. If we wanted to reuse these Test Utility Methods from other Testcase Classes (page X), we could use an Extract Superclass[Fowler] refactoring to create a Testcase Superclass (page X) and then use a Pull Up Method[Fowler] refactoring to move the Test Utility Methods to it so they can be reused.

Page generated at Wed Feb 09 16:39:07 +1100 2011

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